Last year I made it 101 days, the year before I didn't make it past January. I hope I can do all 365 days this year. I will Post my weekly progress here or you can follow me on under the username crawlil6. If you are doing this project please comment and leave your link. Id love feedback on my photos too :)
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Back to Blogging
I took a long break to enjoy the Holidays with family. I hope to get back into the swing of things and try to blog 3 times a week. As much as I would love to blog daily I don't know where moms find the time. We had a wonderful Holiday season, here is a photo glimpse.
My Husband, Rocking in the new year as the girls toss confetti at him
Thursday, December 8, 2011
What a week...
A wild week at home indeed. To busy to even blog. The fun started Saturday when we realized we had an unusual amount of water in out basement. Now we generally have some water due to our house being really old, and all the rain we have had. It was really bad this time though. We spent most of Saturday (late evening) cleaning the basement sucking up water and dumping it, using the squeegee, bleaching etc. The good news is we didn't lose much as we know it floods and we are the cautious type. Now if you have a really old house like ours you don't just get water you get mud and muck. Oh it was certainly one for that TV show "Dirty Jobs" we where such a mess. I sent my husband off to the shower first. While me and my oldest finished up, Then utoh.... its a pluming issue all the shower water went right back onto the basement floor. NOOOOO oh I was mad. We where doing a big basement cleaning as we where having issues with our dryer and wanted to clean up to get the new vents done. We where also having the gas company out on Monday to move our indoor meter outside. That little project has been the death of me they have been working on the lines since September and countless times we had no gas and our yard dug up several times. My foyer looks like it went mudding on a daily basis as our yard is mostly mud and gravel at this point. So they finally get everything moved and are ready to turn the lines back on just to tell us they have to turn it out apparently our furnace has a gas leak. Like "sorry but your house might explode" oh joy. We finally get the plumber, heating people etc. all over at once. My basement looked like a village people Reunion. I spent most of the day keeping water away from the gas people waiting for the plumber. Clean up after the line was fixed was pretty easy it all sucked down the drain. I just had to bleach some more. Now the good news here is that My furnace is fixed and wont explode, My basement is the cleanest it could ever possibly be, and my dryer actually drys clothes now. I have been in laundry heaven. The basement is also dry enough that the kids can ride their scooters inside. So after much stress God brought us right on through it. He protected us from the gas leak and put all the right people in place to get all the work done on one day with not to much trouble. I still have a lot of little things that need done amazing how when you cant use your water for a few days because you don't want to flood the basement over and over again can make the mom work pileup. So hopefully next week I will be blogging a bit more.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Save My Saturday
Todays course looked something like this.
Start at the front door
tag the back door (hang your band on the door knob)
give the dog a treat
hop scotch across the living room (we have a hop scotch carpet)
Go to the bathroom and get a roll of toilet paper
Get a pencil from the schoolroom
put the in your hand above your head and put the toilet paper on the pencil
hopscotch back across the living room
put the pencil and toilet paper away
tag your bedroom door
tag the mailbox
tag mom
and your done.
I do call out the steps as they go as that is a lot to remember
then we see who had the best time. It's pretty funny too because the dog usually chases them and the 3 year old is very territorial with the hopscotch carpet so they have those little obstacle too lol. We may do a few more courses after wards or sometimes they ask to do the same one again to try to get a better time.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Our puppy..
We Got a Puppy back in Aug. First bit of advice. Wait until your youngest child is at least 5. It's like having 2 toddlers in the house. We love him and boy has he grown. Here is a pic taken with in the first month we had him.
and here he is now.
His favorite new sleeping spot is under the tree on one of the girls bean bags.
Showing off his triple chin lol
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Blog Hop!
Let us "hop" on over to your blog to see what you are up to this week.
*please follow the Host(s)
*please link only to family friendly sites
* your blog/post doesn't have to be a wordless wednesday
*please grab our button on the bottom right (not required)
Have fun!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Top Ten Tuesday
So without further ado the top ten worst Christmas gifts ever.
10. Fruit Cake
9. Ugly Christmas Sweaters
8. Make your own ___________Kit
7. Gift cards to places that are not local
6. Clothes that don’t fit
5. Chia Pet
4. Memberships to places you will never go
3. ___________of the month club
2. Books or Music that do not interest you in the slightest
1. Christmas themed items that you will be packing up the following week because you can’t enjoy it till next year.
Number 1 always gets me. I refuse to buy a Christmas themed item and give it to someone on Christmas day. I always feel like why give something to someone that they can't enjoy year round. I'm not talking about an ornament or something sentimental but please don't give me a potholder with a Christmas tree on it, I'm not going to see it again for another 360 days. Please tell me I'm not alone on that one lol.
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